You can let stress beat you up, or you can put it to work in…
Trapped in a whirlwind of stressful busyness? Here’s proven help.
Trapped in a whirlwind of stressful busyness? Here’s proven help.
This busy season can push us to our limits, often leading to stress that we may not even realize we’re experiencing. Consider these reflections to raise awareness:
- Common Sense vs. Practice. It’s easy to wonder why a person can’t avoid stress by using common sense. Remember that common sense is often not common practice.
- When Are You at Your Best? Many say they perform best when rested, yet laugh if asked when that occurs—often admitting it’s never. Can you relate?
- Dimensions of Exhaustion. Exhaustion affects not just your physical state but also your spiritual, emotional, mental, social, sensory, and creative well-being. Fatigue in one area impacts others.
- Exhaustion as a Status Symbol?* Do you view exhaustion as a badge of honor, and productivity as a measure of your self-worth while dismissing the value of rest?
- Busyness as Anesthetic: Can constant busyness numb feelings of loss related to identity, self-esteem, meaning, and relationships?
Tips for Shifting Perspectives and Taking Action
To rediscover balance and depth in your life, consider these strategies:
- Reflect on Busyness. Ask, “How does my busyness serve me and others?” Explore whether it fulfills your needs for safety, belonging, and respect. Is it effective?
- Identify Your Priorities. Determine what you truly want to accomplish in your lifetime and focus your energy on those priorities instead of letting others dictate them.
- Eliminate Unnecessary Commitments. Remove activities that don’t align with your identified priorities, considering their impact on your overall well-being.
- Practice Saying “No.” Be fearless yet kind in declining invitations or pressures that don’t align with your priorities.
- Pace Your Efforts: Incorporate rest into your daily routine. Even short breaks can enhance recovery. Aim for at least one complete day off each week.
- Engage in Meditation. Use various meditation techniques (e.g., mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation) to rest your mind. You can include prayer in your practice if you wish.
- Utilize Planning Tools. Improve your mental space with effective planning and project management skills to better separate work from personal life. View my guide here.
- Cultivate Healthy Relationships. Choose to spend time with people who uplift you rather than drain your energy.
- Celebrate Accomplishments. Take time to reflect on and appreciate your achievements; share them with others.
- Honor Your Energy Style. Understand whether you’re more introverted or extroverted, and respect your energy needs accordingly.
At True Course, we can help you develop the skills and perspectives necessary for a more enjoyable and peaceful life. Contact us to explore how we can support you.
*Brown, B (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection. Hazelden. p. 101
Resources for you:
Brown, B. (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection. Hazelden.
Cain, S. (2013). Quiet: The power introverts in a world that can’t stop talking. Crown Publishing
Daulton-Smith, S. (2019). Sacred Rest: Recover your life, renew your energy, restore your sanity. FaithWords.
Frucht, S. (2020). Progressive Muscle Relaxation – The Jacobson method for total relaxation and stress relief.
Godfrey, J.M. (2013). Without Regret. Thomas Noble Books.
Godfrey, J.M. (2017). Put Stress to Work: Turning Headaches to Advantages. Thomas Noble Books.
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2016). Mindfulness for beginners. Sounds True.
Laney, M. O. (2002) The introvert advantage. Workman Publishing.
Salcedo, B. (2007). Progressive muscle relaxation. Or download it from Apple iTunes.